Common Skin Conditions-min

Common Skin Conditions

The ASI Online Common Skin Conditions course covers categories of the most common skin conditions that affect the skin. To best improve any skin condition, it is necessary to understand how a skin condition differs from a skin type, the characteristic manifestations, and what physiologically needs to change.

About Single Course

Who's This Course For

This course is designed for any individuals making product recommendations or choosing treatment protocols to improve any of the most common skin conditions.

Taking this course teaches you the etiology and manifestations of multiple common skin conditions:

  • Understand the classical signs of inflammation
  • Identify multiple Inflammatory, bacterial and viral conditions
  • Understand the definition of a lesion and various types of lesions
  • Identify hyper-proliferative and glandular conditions
  • Overview skin cancer

Why study with us? Michelle Brenner has over 35 years of experience in the skin care and wellness business and over 26 years in education. She is also an international speaker, writer, and author. Michelle has hand-crafted each course to share her career experience with you.


What’s included?
  • 30-day access to the course.
  • Downloadable Study Guide.
  • Downloadable Certificate of Completion upon completion. View example Certificate.

This course is worth three CEU hours and should take 2-3 hours to complete. It is divided into five modules, each allowing you to save your progress at any point and resume later to accommodate your busy schedule.

*This course is not designed as a “license” but rather to expand knowledge and expertise in the skin care field.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Read the most common questions about our modules.

Do I receive a certificate for these modules?

Yes, a certificate of completion with hours is provided upon completion.

Do I receive a license for taking these modules?

No, this program is designed for continuing and advanced education, not professional licensure

Do these modules count for CEUs?

Each state is different. ASI On Line is currently working on approval from states that require certain course work.  However, for all other required CEUs the certificate of completion contain the hours of education completed as well.

Do I need to be licensed to take these modules?

These modules are designed for ANYONE looking to gain more education in skin care. This includes currently licensed estheticians and cosmetologists, as well as Direct Skin Care Sales representative and cosmetic sales representatives.

Do these modules prepare me for licensure?

NO. Although all are designed and developed by a licensed educational institution, they do not apply towards mandatory required license hours.

Who should take these modules?

Anyone looking to gain knowledge and expertise in the skin care profession.

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